Fiber Driver® EM316SW-XY
PN 1288003-001, Rev D2 61
In Converter mode, ports P1 and P2 are paired and ports P3 and P4 are paired. Each pair links
a copper port to an SFP port, which will generally have an optical SFP transceiver installed to
convert between media.
fiberdriver# show 1.3
Slot: 1.3
Model: EM316SW-XY
Name: EM316SW-XY at 1.3
Hardware Revision: 1, FPGA 0x68
Sw Configurable: yes Operation Type: converter
Number Of Ports: 4
Port Enable Link LIN Speed DDiags WL(nm) Name
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1.3.1 enable no Signal disable 10 Mbps N/A N/A RJ-45 at 1.3.1
1.3.2 enable no Signal disable 100 Mbps Ok 1590 SFP at 1.3.2
1.3.3 enable no Signal disable 100 Mbps Ok 1590 SFP at 1.3.3
1.3.4 enable no Signal disable 10 Mbps N/A N/A RJ-45 at 1.3.4