Fiber Driver® EM316SW-XY
PN 1288003-001, Rev D2 50
The box below illustrates the show command with no arguments in the port context of an
SFP port with an optical transceiver in an EM316SW-XY module.
Port: 1.3.2
Name: SFP at 1.3.2
Part #/Rev: SFP-DGD-SX/A
Protocol: Ethernet
Rate: 100Base-Tx 100 Mbps
Enable: enable LIN: disable
Link: no Signal Speed: 100 Mbps
Nom. BR: 2100
Duplex: full
Revertive: no
Loopback: off
Serial Number: U982S8B
Vendor Info: MRV
Connector: fo LC Medium: multi Mode
Wavelength(nm): 850
TxPower(dBm): -4.579 RxPower(dBm): -35.228 Bias(mA): 9.251
DDiags: Alarm Temp(C): 33 Supply(V): 3.305
Rx Activity: off Tx Activity: off
Alarm Cause: Rx Power Too Low Alarm