DDTransmitting a Call AlertCall Alert allows you to notify another user who may be away from
the transceiver that you want to talk.
qPush [MDC Call] to enter the MDC menu selection mode.
• Or push [MDC CallAlert] to enter the transceiver alias selection
mode. In this case, skip steps wand e.
wSelect “CALALERT” using [CH Up], [CH Down], [MDC Up] or
[MDC Down].
ePush [MDC Call] again to enter the transceiver alias selection
rSelect the desired alias using [CH Up], [CH Down], [MDC Up] or
[MDC Down].
tPush [PTT] to transmit the call alert to the selected station.
• “CACALL” is displayed.
yRelease [PTT].
• “CAOK” is displayed if the targeted station received the alert.
• “CAFAIL” is displayed if the targeted station does not send an ac-
uAfter a specified time period has passed, the transceiver will re-
turn to receive.
IC-F50_F60_MDC-2.qxd 06.11.17 4:39 PM Page 37 (1,1)