PRECAUTIONRWARNING! NEVERhold the transceiver so that the antenna
is very close to, or touching exposed parts of the body, especially
the face or eyes, while transmitting. The transceiver will perform
best if the microphone is 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4 inches) away from the
lips and the transceiver is vertical.
RWARNING! NEVERoperate the transceiver with a headset
or other audio accessories at high volume levels.
CAUTION! NEVERshort the terminals of the battery pack.
NEVERconnect the transceiver to a power source other than the
BP-226 or BP-227. Such a connection will ruin the transceiver.
DO NOTpush the PTT when not actually desiring to transmit.
AVOIDusing or placing the transceiver in direct sunlight or in
areas with temperatures below –30°C (–22°F) or above +60°C
DO NOTmodify the transceiver for any reason.
MAKE SUREthe flexible antenna and battery pack are securely
attached to the transceiver, and that the antenna and battery pack
are dry before attachment. Exposing the inside of the transceiver
to water will result in serious damage to the transceiver.
The use of non-Icom battery packs/chargers may impair transceiver
performance and invalidate the warranty.
FCC caution:
Changes or modifications to this device, not expressly approved
by Icom Inc., could void your authority to operate this transceiver
under FCCregulations.
IC-F50_F60_MDC-2.qxd 06.11.17 4:39 PM Page iv (1,1)