Use only Wolf Steel or Simpson
When using Wolf Steel venting components, use only ap- proved Wolf Steel rigid / flexible components with the fol- lowing termination kits: WALL TERMINAL KIT GD422, or 1/12 TO 7/12 PITCH ROOF TERMINAL KIT GD410, 8/12 TO 12/12 ROOF TERMINAL KIT GD411, FLAT ROOF TERMI- NAL KIT GD412 or PERISCOPE KIT GD401 (for wall pen- etration below grade). With flexible venting, in conjunction with the various terminations, use either the 5 foot vent kit GD420 or the 10 foot vent kit GD430.
Wolf Steel rigid and flexible venting systems must not be combined.
Wolf Steel and Simpson
These vent kits allow for either horizontal or vertical venting of the fireplace. FIGURES 3a, & 5a. The maximum allow- able horizontal run is 20 feet. The maximum allowable ver- tical vent length is 40 feet. The maximum number of 5" vent connections is two horizontally or three vertically (exclud- ing the fireplace and the air terminal connections) when using aluminum flexible venting.
For optimum flame appearance and fireplace perform- ance, keep the vent length and number of elbows to a minimum.
The air terminal must remain unobstructed at all times. Examine the air terminal at least once a year to verify that it is unobstructed and undamaged.
Purge all gas lines with the glass door of the fireplace open. Assure that a continuous gas flow is at the burner before closing the door.
Under extreme vent configurations, allow several minutes
Eight (8") inches is the minimum bend radius allowed for the 8" diameter flexible liner.
For optimum performance it is recommended that all horizontal runs have a 1 inch rise per foot when using Napoleon flexible vent components.
A terminal shall not terminate directly above a sidewalk or paved driveway which is located between two sin- gle family dwellings and serves both dwellings. Local codes or regulations may require different clearances. Do not allow the inside liner to bunch up on horizontal or vertical runs and elbows. Keep it pulled tight. A 1¼" air gap all around between the inner liner and outer liner is required for safe operation. Use a firestop when pen- etrating interior walls, floor or ceiling.
Minimum clearance to combustible con- struction from fireplace and vent sur- faces:
sides, back, bottom and top of the unit | 0 inch |
recessed depth | 18 inches |
top, sides and bottom of the vent pipe | 1 inch |
Horizontal runs may have a 0 inch rise per foot in all cases using SIMPSON
Only a clearance to combustibles of 1" all around the vent pipe is required.