©NationalInstruments Corporation 2-1 NI-IMAQfor IEEE-1394 Cameras User Manual
Software OverviewThis chapter describesthe classes of NI-IMAQ for 1394 functions and
briefly describeseach function.
NI-IMAQ functionsare grouped according to the following classes:
•Generic functions
–Snap functions
–Sequence functions
–Acquisition functions
–Utility functions
The genericand high-level functions appear within each function class in
the logical order you might need to use them. The low-levelfunctions
appearw ithin each function class in alphabetical order.
Generic Functions
Use genericfunct ions in both high-level and low-level applications.
imaq1394CameraOpen Opensa session on a camera by
imaq1394Close Closesa session and unloc ksan d
releasesall buffers.