©NationalInstruments Corporation 3-1 NI-IMAQfor IEEE-1394 Cameras User Manual
Programming withNI-IMAQ for 1394This chapter contains an overview of the NI-IMAQ for 1394 library,
ad escription of the programming flow of NI-IMAQ for 1394, and
programming examples. Flowcharts are included for the following
operations: snap, grab, and sequence.
The NI-IMAQ for 1394 application programming interface (API) is
divided into two groups—high-level functions and low-level functions.
With the high-level functions, you can write programs quickly without
having to learn the details of the low-level API and driver. The low-level
functions give you finer granularity and control over your image
acquisitionprocess, but you must understand the API and driver in greater
Note The high-levelfunctions call low-level functions and use certain attributes that are
listedin the high -levelfunction description in the NI-IMAQ for 139 4 Function Reference
online help. Changing the valueof these a ttributeswhile using low-level functions will
affectthe operation of the high -levelfunctions.
High-Level Functions
Thehigh-level function set supports three basic types of image acquisi tion:
•Snap acquires a single frame toa buffer.
•Grabperforms an acquisition that loops continually on one buffer; you
obtaina copy of the acquisition buffer by grabbing acopytoaseparate
bufferthat can be used for analysis.
•Sequence performs an acquisition that acquires a specifiednumber of
buffers,then stops.
The high-levelfunction set also allows triggered acquisitions.