©NationalInstruments Corporation G-7 NI-IMAQfor IEEE-1394 Cameras User Manual
resolution (1) The number of rowsand colum ns of pixels.An im age composed of m
rowsand ncolumns has a resolution of . This image has npixels
along its horizontal axis and mpixelsalong its vertical axis. (2) The
smallestsignal increment that can be detected by a measurement system.
Resolution can be expressedin bits, proport ions, or a percentage of
fullscale. For example, a system has 12-bit resolution, one part in
4,096 resolution, and 0.0244 percent of full scale.
RGB Colorencoding scheme using red, green, and blue (RGB) color information
whereeach pixel in the color image is encoded using 3 2 bits: 8 bits for red,
8 bits for green, 8 bits for blue, and 8 bits for the alpha value (unused).
ROI Regionof interest. (1) An area of the image that is graphically selected
froma window displaying the image. This area can be used focus further
processing. (2) A hardware-programmable rectangular portion of the
acquisition window.
ROM Read-only memory.
Ss Seconds.
syntax Setof rules to which statements must conform in a particul arpr ogramming
Ttransferrate The rate, measured in bytes/s,at which data is moved from source to
destination after software initialization and set up operations. The
maximumr ate at which the hardware can operate.
trigger Anyevent that causes or starts some form of data capture.
UUV plane See YUV.