©NationalInstruments Corporation G-3 NI-IMAQfor IEEE-1394 Cameras User Manual
driver Softwarethat controls a specific hardware device, such as an IMAQ or
externaltrigger A voltagepulse from an external source that trig gers an eventsuch as
A/D conversion.
field Foran interlaced video signal, a field is half the number of horizontal lines
neededto represent a frame of video. The first field of a frame contains all
theodd-numbered lines, the second field contains all ofthe even-numbered
frame Acomplete image. In interlaced formats, a frame is composed of two fields.
function A set of software instructions executed bya sin gle line of code that may
haveinput and/or output parameters and returns a value when executed.
gamma The nonlinear change in the difference between the video signals
brightness leveland the voltage level needed to produce that brightness.
GUI Graphical user interface. An intuitive, easy-to-use means of
communicating informationto and from a computer program by means
ofgraphical screen displays. GU Is can resemble the front panelsof
instruments or other objects associated with a computer program.
hardware Thephysical components of a computer system, such as the circuit boards,
plug-in boards, chassis, enclosures, peripherals, and cables.
hue Representsthe dominan tco lor of a pixel. The hue function is a continuous
functionthat covers all the possible colors generated using the R, G, and B
colorspectrum. See also RGB.
Hz Hertz.Frequ encyin units of 1/second.