Chapter 2 Installation and Configuration
VXI-MXI-Express Series User Manual 2-8
1. Power on all of the VXI expansion chassis in any order you choose.
2. Power on the host computer.

Powering Down the MXI-Express System

Because operating systems and drivers commonly make the assumption
that PCI devices will be present in the system from power-up to
power-down, it is important not to power off the expansion chassis until
after the host PC is powered off. Powering off the expansion chassis while
the host is still on can cause crashes or hangs. The order in which expansion
chassis are powered off, relative to each other, is not important.
Software Configuration and Verification
Complete the following steps to configure the software and verify the
1. Run MAX. You must run the Resource Manager (Resman) every time
the chassis or computer power is cycled, so that your application can
access devices in the VXI chassis. You can also configure MAX to run
Resman automatically at every computer startup by selecting Tools»
NI-VXI»VXI Options from the menu and selecting the appropriate
2. You can also use MAX to interactively configure the National
Instruments hardware in your system. Use the right-click help for
information about the various configuration options. After you finish
configuring the system through MAX, verify the configuration
through the interactive control utility, VISAIC (Start»Programs»
National Instruments»VISA»VISA Interactive Control), as
described in Chapter 3, Developing Your Application.
Note If you are using extenders such as MXI-2 to create a multichassis system, you may
need to run Resman before configuring some of your devices.