Chapter 3 Developing Your Application
VXI-MXI-Express Series User Manual 3-4 ni.com
Note You can also use VXI Interactive Control Program (VIC) to control your VXI/VME
devices and develop and debug VXI application programs. VIC is not included in the
default NI-VXI installation. To install VIC, select NI-VXI API Development in the
installer. You can launch VISAIC (or VIC) from the Tools menu in MAX or from the
VISA or VXI subgroups in Start»Programs»National Instruments.
Try the following in VISAIC: In the tree view, navigate using your mouse
to the VISA resource for your controller—probably VXI0::0::INSTR,
representing the VXI system 0, logical address 0 instrument resource,
as shown in Figure3-2.
Figure 3-2. Select Your Controller in VISAIC
Open the selected resource and navigate to the Register I/O tab (Show all
VISA operations must be turned on for this to be visible). In this tab, you
can read registers on your device, such as the VXI device configuration
registers. Execute the viIn operation (called In in LabVIEW compatibility
mode) with the default parameters. The Data Value field shows the I/O
operation result, such as 0x9ff6. The Return Value field shows the
function status, such as 0 for VI_SUCCESS, as shown in Figure3-3.