Appendix F Common Questions
VXI-MXI-Express Series User Manual F-2
What is Resman?
Resman is the utility that performs the duties of a VXI Resource Manager
as discussed in the VXIbus specification. When you set a National
Instruments controller to Logical Address 0, you will at some point need to
run Resman to configure your VXI instruments. If your controller uses a
different (nonzero) logical address and is a message-based device, you need
to start Resman before running it on the Logical Address 0 computer.
When do I need to run Resman?
Run Resman whenever you need to configure your VXI instruments (for
example, when you power cycle either the host computer or the chassis).
Which NI-VXI utility program must I use to configure the
VXI-MXI-Express Series controller?
Use Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) to configure the
VXI-MXI-Express Series controller. MAX is in the National
Instruments program group folder, and a shortcut is on your desktop.
How do I handle VME devices?
Although there is no way to automatically detect VME devices in a system,
you can add them easily through the Add Device Wizard in MAX. Through
this procedure, you can reserve resources for each of your VME devices
and configure MAX to show VME devices on the screen with all your other
Which NI-VXI utility program must I use to perform startup Resource
Manager operations?
Use the Resman program to perform startup Resource Manager operations
in Start»Programs»National Instruments»VXI. Resman uses the
settings configured in MAX. It initializes your VXI/VMEbus system and
makes the information it collects accessible through MAX. You can also
run Resource Manager operations from MAX. Through MAX, you can also
configure Resman to run automatically at Windows startup.
What can I do to make sure that my system is up and running?
The fastest method for testing the system is to run Resman. This program
attempts to access memory in the upper A16 address space of each
device in the system. If Resman does not report any problems, the
VXI-MXI-Express Series controller communication system is operational.
To test individual devices, you can use the VIC or VISAIC program to