Chapter 2 Installation and Configuration
© National Instruments Corporation 2-7 VXI-MXI-Express Series User Manual
Figure2-2 shows a system that includes a PCI Express-based host
computer and a VXI-MXI-Express Series controller.
Figure 2-2. Host System with VXI-MXI-Express Series Controller
For information on connecting cables to TRIG/CLK PORT A(B) on the
NIVXI-8360T, refer to the Connecting the Trig ger Port Cables section of
AppendixD, Using The Trigger Ports On The VXI-8360T.
Powering Up the MXI-Express SystemComplete the following steps to power up the system.
Note All VXI expansion chassis must be fully powered before turning on the host
computer, otherwise the expansion chassis will not be detected by the host.
There are no requirements on how VXI-MXI-Express-based expansion chassis are
powered up relative to each other as long as they are all on before the host computer
is powered on.
1 Host Computer
2 VXI Mainframe
3 VXI-MXI-Express Series Controller in Slot 0
4 Host Cable