© National Instruments Corporation Glossary-7 VXI-MXI-Express Series User Manual
NI-488.2 or
The National Instruments industry-standard software for controlling
GPIBi nstruments.
NI-DAQ The National Instruments industry-standard software for data acquisition
NI-VISA The National Instruments implementation of the VISA standard; an
interface-independent software that provides a unified programming
interface for VXI, GPIB, and serial instruments.
NI-VXI The National Instruments bus interface software for VME/VXIbus
Non-Slot 0 device A device configured for installation in any slot in a VXIbus mainframe
other than Slot 0. Installing such a device into Slot 0 can damage the device,
the VXIbus backplane, or both.
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect. The PCI bus is a high-performance
32-bit or 64-bit bus with multiplexed address and data lines.
PCI Express A serialized, highly scalable I/O interconnect standard that leverages
existing PCI technology such as the software model and the load-store
register-based device A Servant-only device that supports VXIbus configuration registers.
Register-based devices are typically controlled by message-based devices
via device-dependent register reads and writes.
Resman The name of the National Instruments Resource Manager in NI-VXI bus
interface software. See also Resource Manager.
Resource Manager A message-based Commander located at Logical Address 0, which
provides configuration management services such as address map
configuration, Commander and Servant mappings, and self-test and
diagnostic management.