Chapter2 PXI-1006Features
©NationalInstruments Corporation 2-9 PXI-1006User Manual
Installing Filler PanelsToop timize module cooling performance, install filler panels into unused
or empty slots. Secure with the captive mounting screws.
Using the Chassis Initialization FileTo assistsystem integrators, the PXI specification r equires manufacturers
ofP XI chassis and system modules to document the capabilities of their
products. The minimum documentation requirements are contained
in .inifiles, w hich consist of ASCII text. The system integrator can
read the .ini file, and configuration utilities and device drivers can also
use this file. The PXI-1006 chassis initialization file, chassis.ini,
is included on the diskette for your PXI-1006.
CleaningCleaningprocedures consist of exterior and interior cleaning of the chassis
and cleaningthe fan filters. Refer to your module user documentation for
information on cleaning the individual CompactPCI or PXI modules.
Caution Alwayspower-off the chassis and disconnect the power cord before cleaning or
servicingthe chassis.
Miseen garde Veillezàéteindrelechâssiset déconnecter le cordon d’alimentation avant
de nettoyero u d’intervenirsur le châssis.
Interior Cleaning
Usea dry, low-velocity stream of air to clean the interior of the chassis. Use
aso ft-bristle brush for cleaning around components. If you must use a
liquidfor minor interior cleaning, use a 75% isopropylalcohol solution and
rinse with deionized water.
Exterior Cleaning
Clean theexterior surfaces of the chassis with a dry lint-free cloth or a
soft-bristlebrush. If any dirt remains, wipe with a cloth moistened in a mild
soapsolution. Remov e any soap residue by wiping with a cloth moistened
withclear water. Do not use abrasive compounds on any part of the chassis.