Boating Safety
Our Environment
As a boater, you already appreciate nature’s beauty and the peace of the great outdoors. It is a boater’s responsibility to protect the natural environment by keeping waterways clean.
Foreign Species
If you trailer your boat from lake to lake, you may unknowingly introduce a foreign aquatic species from one lake to the next. Thoroughly clean the boat and trailer below the water line, remove all weeds and algae, and drain the bilge and ballast tanks before launching the boat in a new body of water.
Fuel/Oil Spillage
Fire or explosion hazard from fumes accumulating from rags being stored in bilge area. DO NOT store rags used to wipe up fuel or solvent spills in the boat. Dispose of rags properly ashore.
The spilling of fuel or oil into our waterways contaminates the environment and is dangerous to wildlife. DO NOT discharge or dispose of fuel, oil or other chemicals into the water; it is prohibited and you can be fined. These are three common, accidental types of discharge:
•During initial fueling of a nearly empty tank
•Overfilling the fuel tanks
•Pumping contaminated bilge water