Boating Safety
SAFETY ALERT From August 28, 2001:
The United States Coast Guard advised boaters not to “Teak/Drag Surf.” Recent boating fatalities revealed that carbon monoxide (CO) emitted from a vessel’s exhaust resulted in CO poisoning and the death of at least six teak surfers. “Teak/Drag Surfing” places the individual in position directly exposed to the CO in the engine’s exhaust. This may result in a loss of coherent responses and even death. In addition, “Teak/Drag Surfing” dangerously exposes the individual to a possible propeller injury, and since it is done without a life jacket (PFD), it significantly increases the probability of drowning. Therefore, the Coast Guard stresses, “Teak/Drag Surfing” is a very dangerous activity and advises boaters not to participate in it.
The Coast Guard pointed out that carbon monoxide is one of the most dangerous gases. It strikes before you know you are exposed and it impairs in a way that can and too often does lead to death. That is why it is so important to the Coast Guard that in every circumstance where it can be avoided, it is.
General Watersport Precautions
•DO NOT ski or ride in shallow water, close to shore or in water where you do not know the depth or what is beneath the surface.
•DO NOT put your arm, head or any other part of your body through the
•DO NOT ski or ride at night or directly in front of other boats.
•DO NOT jump from a boat that is moving at any speed, nor enter or exit the water when the engine is running (RUN).
•DO NOT approach the boat if the engine is running.
•DO NOT ski or ride near swimming areas, beaches or personal watercraft.
•DO NOT follow directly behind another boat or skier without leaving an adequate safe distance.
•DO NOT “back up” to anyone in the water.
•DO NOT ski or ride with multiple skiers or riders with different length ropes.