Section 1
If the fuel tank is near empty, start fueling the tank very slowly to prevent accidental discharge. Once several gallons have been added, the fueling rate can be increased to normal.
Avoid overfilling of the tank by monitoring the fuel level gauge while fueling. Turn on the ignition without starting the engine and monitor the gauge. Stop fueling as the gauge approaches the ‘full’ level and turn off the ignition when finished.
Discharge/Disposal of Waste
Waste means all forms of garbage, plastics, recyclables, food, wood, detergents, sewage and even fish parts in certain waters – in short, nearly everything. We recommend you bring back everything you take out with you for proper disposal ashore.
Excessive Noise
Noise means engine noise, radio noise or even voices. Many bodies of water have adopted noise limits. Music and loud conversation can carry a considerable distance on water, especially at night. Be sure to follow regulations and be courteous.
Be alert for NO WAKE zones. Prior to entering a no wake zone, come off plane to the slowest steerable speed. Use caution when operating around smaller crafts, in channels and marinas, and in congested areas.
Exhaust Emissions
Increased exhaust (hydrocarbon) emissions pollute our water and air. Keep your engine tuned and boat hull clean for peak performance. See your Nautique dealer for information.
If your boat is kept in water where marine growth is a problem, the use of