3G9W - HSPA 7.2Mbps
Description: display the list of parameters from security option Example:
>wlan info
wlan security auth mode = psk wlan security wpa = aes
wlan security wpaGTKRekey = 0
wlan security wpaPresharedKey = 1234567890 wlan security Wepstate = disabled
wlan security WepKeyBit = 128 wlan security WepKey2 = wlan security WepKey3 =
wlan security WepCurrentKeyindex = 1
Description: display the list of parameters from macfilter option Example:
>wlan info
wlan macfilter mode = disabled wlan macfilter entry :
Description: display the list of parameters from wds opiton Example:
>wlan info
wlan wds mode = ap
wlan wds restrict mode = disabled
Description: display the list of authenticated wireless stations and their status Example: