To change the wallpaper, from the Home Screen, tap on the Menu icon , a list of options appears. Tap on “Wallpaper”and then choose a picture as the desktop wallpaper.
To change the System Settings, from the Home Screen, tap on the Menu icon ,
and then tap on “Settings” . Choose a category: “Wireless & Networks”, “Sound & Display”, “Date & Time”, etc. For more information on the different settings, see the System Settings section.
Weather Forecast Setting
You can choose a worldwide city you are interested in by tapping the weather forcast indicator. Locate the city by selecting the state where the city is and then selecting the city, or inputing the city name directly in the “Search City” filed.
You can change the default temperature unit by checking or
unchecking the “Use Celsius”option.
Display all Applications
The device supports most of popular
To display all applications installed on your device, tap the Application Tab .
Access Internet
Your NextBook features
First of all, you need to configure a