Memory Card Capacity
The following table shows the approximate number of pictures that can be stored on
a 2GB Panasonic Pro HIGH SPEED card at different image quality and size settings.
ACustom Setting d6: CL mode shooting speed (pg. 182 )
The maximum number of photographs that can be taken in a single burst can be set to any
amount between 1 and 4.
Image quality Image size File size1No.
of images1Buffer capacity2
JPEG fine3
L 16.9MB 89 7
M 14.4MB 104 7
S 12.4MB 118 7
JPEG normal3
L 13.9MB 106 7
M 12.6MB 116 7
S 11.6MB 124 7
JPEG basic3
L 12.3MB 118 7
M 11.7MB 123 7
S 11.2MB 128 7
NEF (RAW) 10.8MB 133 9
JPEG fine
L 6.0MB 271 25
M 3.4MB 480 100
S 1.6MB 1000 100
JPEG normal
L 3.0MB 539 100
M 1.7MB 931 100
S 0.8MB 2000 100
JPEG basic
L 1.5MB 1000 100
M 0.9MB 1800 100
S 0.4MB 3800 100
1 All figures are approximate.
File size varies with scene recorded.
2 Maxim um number of exposures that can be stored in memor y buffer.
Drops if ISO sensitivity is set to
P or higher, High ISO NR is on when ISO sensitivity is set to 800 or higher, or long exposure noise
reduction or Active D-lighting is on.
3 Image size applies to JPEG images only.
Size of NEF (RAW) images can not be changed.
File size is the
total for NEF (RAW) and JPEG images.