3.Confirm shutter speed,
Camera selects correct shutter speed to match your aperture setting,
If meter is automatically turned off and LCD indicators disappear, turn meter on again by lightly pressing shutter release button,
4.Fully depress shutter release button to take the picture,
If shutter speed indicator blinks - Picture blur alert:
A shutter speed of 1/FL is generally accepted as the mini- mum speed lor
guideline, The blinking shutter speed indication warns you that the exposure conditions call lor a speed 01 1/FL or slower, For example, with a
200mm lens, shutter speed indication blinks when auto- matically selected speed is 1/200 sec, or slower. Make ad- justments to shutter/aperture il that speed is inappropriate for the picture conditions,
If "HI" appears in the shutter speed position -
Overexposure alert':
Overexposure may occur. Select smaller aperture (larger
If "Lo" blinks in the shutter speed position -
Underexposure alert':
Underexposure may occur. Select wider aperture (smaller
•Electronic analog display appears both on the LCD panel and viewfinder to show value difference from correct exposure,