Operator's Manual -
SCRUBTEC R Manual SteeringSCRUBTEC R Manual Steering
SCRUBTEC R Manual SteeringSCRUBTEC R Manual Steering
SCRUBTEC R Manual Steering
How To Handle the Packed Machine
The machine is packed in a specific package provided on
a pallet so that it can be moved with a forklift.
WARNING: The packages cannot be placed on
top of each other.
How to Unpack the Machine
1. Remove the outer package.
2. The machine is fixed on the pallet with banding
straps and wooden blocks to prevent movement
during shipment. Remove the bands and blocks.
3. Remove tie down brackets.
4. Lower the ramp. The machine can be lowered off
the pallet if the operator is thoroughly familiar with
its operation. Avoid violent blows to the base unit.
5. Keep the pallet for future transport necessities.
How to Install the Batteries
WARNING: The batteries are heavy. Lifting
batteries without help could result in
an injury. Get help to lift the
WARNING: Working with batteries can be
dangerous. Always wear eye
protection and protective clothing
when working near batteries. NO
WARNING: Hydrogen gas is formed during the
charging operation and is explosive.
Only charge batteries in a well
ventilated area with the seat base
The batteries are fitted in the battery compartment under
the seat and recovery tank (figure 4). The machine uses
six - 6 volt batteries. They must be handled by using
appropriate lifting equipment suitable for the weight and
for the coupler system. For maintenance and daily
recharge of the batteries, it is necessary to follow all
instructions given by the manufacturer.
For Battery Installation follow these steps (See figure 4):
1. Make sure that the key switch is in the “OFF”
2. Lift and rotate the base support of the seat forward.
3. Lean the seat on it’s restraint cable.
4. Lift the front of the recovery tank and rotate it towards
the rear until it rests on it’s restraint cable.
5. Put the batteries into position and connect the
battery cables as shown in figure 3.
6. Rotate the recovery tank and then carefully rotate it
forward to the normal operating position.
7. Lower the base support of the seat.
NOTE: Charge the batteries before using.
How To Prepare the Machine For Operation
Front of
370 AH, 6 Volt
(Battery No. 40704A Wet)
(Battery No. 40602A Dry)
Figure 3
250 AH, 6 Volt
(Battery No. 881317 Wet)
(Battery No. 881318 Dry)
Three (3) 70222A Spacers
330 AH, 6 Volt
(Battery No. 891384 Wet)
(Battery No. 891385 Dry)
Front of
Front of