M e s s a g i n g
Picture Auto Receive — Select whether to save incoming picture messages automatically. If set to Off, you can select Reject to refuse to receive the message.
Quick Text — View and edit Quick Text entries, which are short, prewritten messages that can be recalled and inserted into a text message. The gallery of preloaded and
Voicemail # — Change the default
Callback # — Change the default callback number. Enter the new number, and select OK.
Signature — Create or edit text that is appended to each outgoing message. If you do not want to add a signature, select None > OK. Select Custom, enter the signature text, and select OK.
■Voicemail Messages
Voicemail is a network service that allows you to listen to voice messages recorded in the voicemail box. When you have a new voice message, your phone alerts you and prompts you to listen
now or later. If you select Listen later, the voicemail icon is displayed in Standby Mode.
Listen to voicemail messages
When you see a new voice message alert, select Listen now to access your voicemail box. You can also select Message > Voicemail,
or press and hold the voicemail 1-touch dial key
The number of new messages and the date and time of the last message received are displayed. To access your voicemail box, select CALL. To reset the voicemail counter, select Clear > Yes.
The new voicemail icon disappears from the screen.