Options when browsing are: Open, Service options, Bookmarks, History, Go to URL address, View images, Read service msgs., Save as bookmark, Send bookmark, Reload, Disconnect, Show images, Clear cache, Save page, Find, Details, Session, Security, Settings, Help, and Exit.

Add bookmarks manually

1In the Bookmarks view, select OptionsAdd bookmark.

2Start to fill in the fields. Only the address must be defined. The default access point is assigned to the bookmark if no other one is selected.

Press to enter special characters such as /, ., :, and @. Press to clear characters.

3Select OptionsSave to save the bookmark.

Send bookmarks

To send a bookmark, scroll to it and select OptionsSendVia text message.


On a browser page, new links appear underlined in blue and previously visited links in purple. Images that act as links have a blue border around them.

Keys and commands used in browsing

To open a link, press .

To scroll the view, use the scroll key.

To enter letters and numbers in a field,

press the keys - . Press to enter special characters such as /, ., :, and

@. Press to clear characters.

To go to the previous page while browsing,

press Back. If Back is not available, select OptionsHistory to view a chronological

list of the pages you have visited during a

browsing session. The history list is cleared each time a session is closed.

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Nokia 3600 specifications Add bookmarks manually, Send bookmarks, Browsing, Keys and commands used in browsing