Set the Operating Image
The default operating image is shipped with the RAC and is stored in flash memory. Verify or set the operating image as follows:
1.At the ROM monitor prompt, enter image and respond to the prompts as shown in the example. To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Return key.
monitor:: image
Enter Image name [(ip) “oper.64.enet”, “OPER_64_ENET.SYS”]::
Enter TFTP Load Directory[““]::
Enter TFTP Dump path/filename::
2.After you enter the image name, enter im
3.After you verify the operating image, set the interface sequence.
Configure the Interface Sequence
The interface sequence determines the order or method in which the RAC boots. You can configure the RAC for network,
1.At the ROM monitor prompt, enter seq. The system responds:
Enter a list of 1 to 4 interfaces to attempt to use for downloading code or upline dumping. Enter them in the order they should be tried, separated by commas or spaces. Possible interfaces are:
Ethernet: net
SELF: self
Enter interface sequence [net]::
Note: If the RAC is configured for
(config.annex) file from the server to the RAC using FTP. Do this after you boot the RAC.
2.After you enter the sequence, enter seq
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