1.To check whether you have Microsoft TCP/IP Printing protocol and TCP/IP printing support:
If Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is listed and enabled in the list of components used by this connection, the necessary software is already installed. (Proceed to “Configuring a Network Printer for Windows 2000 Systems”). if not, go to step 2.
If TCP/IP Protocol is listed in the Protocols tab, and Microsoft TCP/IP Printing is listed in the Services tab, you have already installed the necessary software. (Proceed to “Configuring a Network Printer for Windows NT 4.0 Systems.”) If not, go to step 2.
2.If you have not previously installed the software:
Follow the instructions on the screen.
Follow the instructions on the screen.
When prompted, type the full path to the Windows NT distribution files (you may need your Windows NT workstation or server
EN | Configuring for LPD Printing 67 |