Shooting Options: Shooting Menu (A, B, C, DModes)
Choose the tint used in monochrome photographs from B&W
Pressing Ion the rotary multi selector when Sepia or Cyanotype is selected enables you to choose from seven levels of saturation. Press Jor Kto adjust the saturation.
1Quick adjust is not available in Neutral, Monochrome, Custom 1 and Custom 2. The values set manually are disabled if quick adjust is used after manual setting.
2Not displayed for Monochrome.
3 Only displayed for Monochrome.
Shooting on More
BNote on Image Sharpening
The effects of Image sharpening cannot be previewed on the monitor during shooting. Check the results in playback mode.
BNote on Contrast
When Active
BContrast, Saturation and A (Auto)
•Results for contrast and saturation vary with the exposure, and the position and size of the subject in the frame.
•The setting for the COOLPIX Picture Control which has A (auto) selected for either Contrast or Saturation is displayed in green in the COOLPIX Picture Control grid.
COptions that Can Be Adjusted in Custom 1 and Custom 2
The option of the original COOLPIX Picture Control can be adjusted if Custom 1 or Custom 2 is selected.