Mode (Auto) APlayback: and Photography Basic

Step 3 Focus and Shoot

1 Press the shutter-release button halfway.

When the button is pressed halfway (A10), the camera focuses.

The camera automatically focuses on the subject in the center focus area. When the subject is in focus, the focus area lights in green, and the AF lamp next to the viewfinder lights.

When the digital zoom is in effect, the camera focuses on the subject in the center of the screen, and the focus area is not displayed. When the subject is in focus, the AF lamp lights in green.

The focus and exposure remain locked while the shutter-release button is pressed halfway.

When the shutter-release button is pressed halfway and the focus indicator blinks red or the AF lamp blinks rapidly, the camera is unable to focus. Change the composition and press the shutter-release button halfway again.

2 Press the shutter-release button the rest of the way down.

The shutter is released and the picture is recorded to the memory card or internal memory.

1/250 F5.6