Taking Pictures of Smiling Faces (Smile Timer)

5 Press the shutter-release button when the required pictures have been taken.

Automatic shooting ends.

Shooting also ends in the situations below.

-When 12 pictures have been taken

-When five minutes have passed since pressing the shutter-release button in step 4 and no smiling faces have been detected

BNotes on Smile timer

The digital zoom is not available.

When the smile timer is selected, the monitor is not turned off even when the xbutton is pressed (A14).

Under some shooting conditions, faces and smiling faces may not be detected properly.

See “Notes on Face Priority” (A87) for more information.

This feature cannot be used simultaneously with certain features. See “Functions that Cannot be Applied Simultaneously” (A108) for more information.

BNotes on Skin Softening

In images taken with the Smile timer, the camera makes the subject’s skin appear smoother (up to three people), and then records the image (Skin softening function). This means that the image recording time is longer than usual.

Depending on shooting conditions, even if the camera detects a face on the monitor at the time of shooting, effects of the skin softening function may not be visible, and areas other than the face may be processed.

The extent of skin softening effect that is applied cannot be set.

Skin softening can also be applied to pictures after they have been taken (A139).

COperation of the Self-Timer Lamp for Smile timer

When the camera detects a face after the shutter-release button is pressed in step 4, the self-timer lamp blinks. Immediately before the shutter is released, the self-timer lamp turns off.

DMore Information

See “Autofocus” (A29) for more information.

Mode (Auto) APlayback: and Photography Basic