NovaJet PRO 600e
11Slide the media guide into the media core, and secure it by tightening the locking mechanism. If you moved the sensor mounting bracket before loading the roll media, be sure to return it to its normal position.
Removing protective shipping material
CAUTION: Before turning on the printer, make sure to remove the protective material that secures the carriage. Remove the protective film from the control panel and remove the tape from the ink reservoir cover. Do not remove the foam insert located between the rear support bracket and slide shaft on the left side of the unit. Do not remove black tape affixed to left and right sides of the carriage assembly.
Connecting power and your computer
1 Plug the power cord into the power inlet at the rear of printer.
2Plug the printer cable into the connector at the rear of the printer. For connecting to a PC, use an IEEE 1284 parallel cable. For connecting to a Macintosh, use an ImageWriter II serial cable.
Quick Start 7