The 10/100M2 plug-in module has two board-mounted DIP-switches. The standalone unit has one bank of DIP-switches. The locations of the DIP-switches are illustrated below.
Switch 1
Switch 8 Switch 1
Switch 8
Bank 1
3.2.1Board-Mounted Bank 1 Settings
DIP-switch Bank 1 is available on both the plug-in and standalone modules. The table indicates the position of the switch; Left/Down or Right/Up. As indicated in the DIP-switch location diagram, Left and Right refers to the plug-in module and Down and Up refers to the standalone module.
| Switch | Left/Down | Right/Up |
| (Factory Default) |
| | |
| SW1 | Off: | On: |
| Pause Disable | Pause Enable |
| |
| SW2 | FDX: | HDX: |
| Fiber Full-Duplex | Fiber Half-Duplex |
| |
| SW3 | AN: | Man: |
| UTP Auto-Negotiate | UTP Manual |
| |
| SW4 | 100: | 10: |
| UTP 100Mbps | UTP 10Mbps |
| |
| SW5 | FDX: | HDX: |
| UTP Full-Duplex | UTP Half-Duplex |
| |
| SW6 - SW8 | See Link Mode DIP-Switch Table in Section |
| | | | - Pause Disable/Enable “Off/On”
When a port is operating in auto-negotiation, its Pause operation mode is determined by the Pause capability advertised during auto-negotiation between itself and the link partner. The port advertises its Pause capability during auto-negotiation based on the Pause Disable/Enable DIP-switch setting. Setting the Pause DIP-switch to