Omron CJ2 manual Transfer Method2.4, Automatic User Memory Recovery

Models: CJ2

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High-speed System I/O Throughput NEW

Improved basic performance enables fl exible machine control.

Ample Instruction Execution Performance for Machine Control

The CJ2 Series fully responds to customer requests for improvement and increased information.

»System Overhead

Common processing 200 µs Interrupt response: 30 µs

»Basic Instructions

LD instruction execution: 0.016 µs

OUT instruction execution: 0.016 µs

»Floating-point Math SIN calculation: 0.59 µs

Floating-point decimal addition and subtraction: 0.24 µs

Faster I/O Refreshing Using the Burst

Transfer Method2.4


I/O refreshing between an EtherNet/IP Unit and the CPU Unit is now performed at high speed using the even faster and higher-capacity data links for EtherNet/IP. This method is standard for the CJ2 CPU Units. I/O refreshing is now performed at up to 2.4 times the speed of previous Communications Units.

I/O refresh speed


330µs 2.4X

(for 1,000 words)


800 µs


Burst transfer

High-speed, high-capacity


»I/O Refreshing

16-point Basic I/O Unit: 1.4 µs

8-point Analog Input Unit: 50 µs

Faster Immediate I/O Refreshing




Immediate refreshing of basic I/O is also faster. Real-time inputs and outputs while instructions are being executed are up to 20 times faster than before.

(Example: !LD instruction speed improved from 20 µs to 1 µs)
















Air cylinder

Fiber Sensor






































Sensor status is read

Output immediately




just prior to instruction

after instruction is






Automatic User Memory Recovery

Finer memory production processes have been accompanied by problems such as bit corruption caused by cosmic rays. With the CJ2 CPU Units, corruption in the user program is detected and the program recovered in real time before program execution. This reduces equipment down time by minimizing the number of times that operation is stopped due to memory errors.

Cosmic rays

User program

Operation is stopped due

to memory error.

data is corrupted



Cosmic rays

Data is automatically

(Thermal neutrons)





User program

restored and normal





data is corrupted

operation continues.





























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Omron CJ2 manual Transfer Method2.4, Automatic User Memory Recovery