11. Disconnecting the Display
If for any reason it is necessary to open the case, it may also be necessary to disconnect and remove the display from the rest of the case.
In order to detach the display from the rear portion of the case, you must remove the connector located on the backside of the display (refer to Figure 7).
(Connector is located on the backside of the display)
Figure 7. Disconnecting the Display
12. End User License Agreement
The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international copyright trea- ties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold.
1.GRANT OF LICENSE. This EULA grants you the following rights:
•Software. You may use the SOFTWARE as installed on the SYSTEM.
•Application Sharing. The SOFTWARE may contain technology that enables applications to be shared between two or more SYSTEMS, even if an appli- cation is installed on only one of the SYSTEMS. You should consult your application license agreement to determine whether sharing the application is permitted by the licensor.
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