The RamPak Utilities work with ProDOS 16 or ProDOS 8, but they will not remain resident when your Apple IIGS switches between ProDOS 16 and ProDOS 8. Separate RamPak utilities for both ProDOS 16 and ProDOS 8 are provided on the Utilities disk. The ProDOS 8 version of the RamPak Utilities is named “Cache.System” and the ProDOS 16 version of the utilities is named “Cache.” You must install the appropriate Rampak utility file on each startup disk, depending on whether your program is a ProDOS 16 or ProDOS 8 application. You should check the owner’s manual of the application if you are not certain whether the program operates under ProDOS 8 or ProDOS 16. If you wish to continue to use your cache after switching operating systems, you will be required to reboot the Apple IIGS using the disk on which you have installed the appropriate RamPak Utilities.
Orange Micro will release an updated version of the ProDOS 16 utilities when ProDOS 16 2.0 becomes available. Please contact your dealer to obtain an update at that time.
Installing the Utilities on a ProDos 16 System Disk:The RamPak Utilities can be installed on any ProDos
16 system disk. Using the Apple IIGS Desktop or your own copy utility, copy the file "Cache" from the RamPak Utilities disk to the “System.Setup” directory of any ProDos 16 system disk.The path to the “System.Setup” directory is