development which require large amounts of memory to load and run. For these situations, the RamPak 4GS provides expansion capability to 4Mb.

Your RamPak 4GS has been specifically designed for use with 256K x 4 DRAM chips. This allows you to expand at a rate of 2 chips (or 256K) at a time, as opposed to the 8 chip minimum expansion required by other available products. When purchasing your expansion chips, specify: 256K x 4, one megabit DRAMS, 150 nanosecond (or faster), or purchase your RAM expansion kits directly from Orange Micro. If it seems odd that 8 one meg’ chips are needed to add one meg’ of RAM to the system, refer to APPENDIX C, which offers a brief discussion of bits and bytes. Precise specifications of the RAM chips needed to expand the memory of your RamPak are found in


To expand your RamPak, you must first remove it from the Apple IIGS.

Be sure to disconnect the power from the Apple IIGS, since removing boards with power on can severely damage your equipment. Be sure to touch the power supply to discharge any accumulated static electricity.

Next, remove the cover from the IIGS. Locate the RamPak 4GS at the far right of the machine. Lifting upward with a gentle rocking motion, remove the RamPak 4GS from the Apple.

The RamPak expands in segments called BANKS. Each bank holds up to 1 megabyte when completed, so your first bank is already half full. If you examine the board you will see that the individual BANKS are clearly identified, zero through 3, along the right edge of the socket field. Each individual ROW of sockets is identified, A through G, along the left edge of the sockets. Each socket is also clearly marked in ascending order, Ul through U4, along the top of the socket field.

Memory expansion must take place in the order specified by the markings on the board. You must first complete BANK 0, beginning with sockets 1 & 2 and