automatically when the RamPak 4GS is properly installed in your Apple. Your computer knows to look for available memory every time you turn it on, so the RamPak's expansion benefits are immediately realized. Memory management is up to you. It is accomplished through use of the RamPak system utilities, which may be implemented at any time once the RamPak 4GS is installed. This manual is structured along these guidelines, beginning with the procedure to install and expand the RamPak card, then continuing with the proper installation and use of the utilities software. This will enable you to experience the advantages of an expanded system immediately, and to take advantage of efficient memory management as you wish.
INSTALLATION OF THE RAMPAK INTOTHE APPLE IIGSThis section will instruct you how to physically install the RamPak 4GS in your Apple IIGS. Once this is completed, your Apple’s internal addressable memory will be increased by the amount of RAM present on the RamPak 4GS. As both the Apple IIGS and the RamPak 4GS implement automatic memory configuration, no resetting of switches or jumpers will be required to recognize memory additions. Your system is smart enough to use whatever memory configuration you install.
Installing the RamPak 4GS requires no additional hardware. Simply clear a modest area around your Apple IIGS, and remove the monitor and any other devices from the top of the CPU.
1. T U R N O F F A L L P O W E R T O T H E A P P L E I I G S S Y S T E M A N D U N P L U G C O R D S . F A I L U R E T O D O S O M A Y R E S U L T I N S E V E R E D A M A G E T O Y O U R C O M P U T E R , T H E R A M P A K 4 G S , O R B O T H .
2.Remove the cover from the Apple IIGS. Refer to your Apple manual for assistance if necessary. Be careful not to force any parts, as you may break your machine.