G. ADJUST: sensitivity control
H. MAIN: displays general volume current setting (to adjust use MIXER)
I.CD: displays music volume current setting (to adjust use MIXER)
J.DRUM: displays drum volume current setting (to adjust use MIXER)
K. EXIT: exits this menu and goes to prior menu
L.Drum display: when drumming, the related pad being struck will be highlighted.
M.Play control:
N.Save Recorded File – Use this button to save and name the recording of your drum play. You can record your drum play along with the music CD supplied with the DrumXtreme.
O.Track Title – This window displays the name of the track title currently selected.
P. Play Recording – Use this button to play your recorded drum play.
Q. Stop Recording/Play Back – Use this button to stop a recording or a playback
R.Start Recording – Use this button to start a recording.
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