Important Information
We,Matsushita Mobile Communications Development of Europe Ltd,
declare,that the EB-GD76 conforms with the essential and other relevant
requirementsof the directive 1999/5/EC. A declaration of conformity to
thiseffect can be found at

Safety Considerations

Thefollowing information should be read and understood as it provides
detailswhich will enable you to operate your phone in a manner which is
bothsafe to you and your environment, and conforms to any legal
requirementsregarding the use of cellular phones.
Thisequipment should only be charged with approved charging
equipment.Other usage will invalidate any approval given to this
apparatusand may be dangerous. The use of approved charging
equipmentis recommended to ensure optimum performance
andavoid damage to your phone. Ensure the voltage rating of
theTravel Charger is compatible with the area of use when
ATravel Charger (EB-CAD95xx*)is supplied with the Main Kit.
Otherrecommended equipment for charging -Car Charger
(EB-CDD95),HandsfreeCar Kit (EB-HFD75Z).
Note* xx identifies the Charger region, e.g. CN, EU, HK, UK.
Switchoff your cellular phone when in an aircraft. The use of
cellularphones in an aircraft may be dangerous to the operation
ofthe aircraft, disrupt the cellular network and may be illegal.
Failureto observe this instruction may lead to the suspension or
denialof cellular phone services to the offender, or legal action
Itis advised not to use the equipment at a refuelling point. Users
arereminded to observe restrictions on the use of radio
equipmentin fuel depots, chemical plants or where blasting
operationsare in progress. Never expose the battery to
extremetemperatures (in excess of 60°C).