Activating the Browser
Toactivate the Browser:
FromIdle ZQ
,select Browser >Start Browser ZQ
Thefirst time that the browser is activated there will be no content stored
sothe Home URL content will be displayed (as defined by the network
operator).The Home URL will be recalled from the cash, each time the
browseris activated. (Cache is the phone’s memory that stores content
downloadedin the past). When recalling content from cache the phone
remainsoff-line (not connected to a WAP server).
Navigating Content
Usethe Navigation key (g) to scroll through the content on the screen as
Useeto scroll up/down on the current page
Usedto return to the previous page
Usecto return to the next page (only applicable if returned to
Whenlinked text (underlined text) is highlighted ZQ
toload the page
representedby the link.
(indicatesa table - with View displayed ZQ
toview contents
)Indicatesan image which cannot be displayed
~Indicateson-line browsing (Non Secure)
'Indicateson-line browsing (Secure)
The Browser Menu
TheBrowser also contains its own menu which is applicable when content
iscurrently being displayed (either on-line or off-line).
Toaccess the Browser menu ZA
whenMenu is displayed at the
bottomleft of the display.
Thismenu is used as follows:

Home Deck

Displaysthe Home URL content as defined by the network operator.