
Currency Convertor

The currency convertor enables the user to convert from/to a home currency using a conversion rate that you enter.

From Idle Z Q, select Applications > Currency Z Q

Entering an Initial Conversion Rate

1Z Q

2Enter an abbreviation for the home currency (up to 3 characters) Z Q twice

3Enter an abbreviation for the foreign currency (up to 3 characters) Z Q twice

4Enter the currency conversion rate Z Q twice

Converting a Value

1Check the conversion rate is the one you require Z Q twice

2Enter the value to be converted Z Q twice

The conversion rate will be retained in the phone once entered. The next time the convertor is used, the conversion rate / currency abbreviation can be edited while in the Currency /rate display. Z Q, then use e to select Edit Z Q.

Swapping the Currency Conversion

When you have accepted the conversion rate and are ready to enter the value to be converted, you can swap the currencies to convert from the foreign currency into the home currency.

1Z Q, use e to select Swap Z Q

2Enter the value for conversion Z Q twice


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Panasonic EB-GD76 operating instructions Currency Convertor, Entering an Initial Conversion Rate, Converting a Value