Panasonic KX-TG1837AL, KX-TG1831AL Sending a message, Writing and sending a new, Message

Models: KX-TG1831AL KX-TG1837AL

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TG1831-1837AL(e).book Page 27 Friday, February 3, 2006 2:24 PM









SMS (Short Message Service)










number of characters you can send or














Sending a message



receive may be limited by your SMS







service provider/telephone company.










Consult your SMS service
















Writing and sending a new



provider/telephone company for details.








L If your message contains over 160





1 {j/OK} i SMSi {>}



characters, the message is a long








message and @@











Long Message







2 To access the public mailbox



displayed. Your service








Publici {>}



provider/telephone company may treat








long messages differently from other






To access a private mailbox








Select the desired mailbox. i{>} i



messages. Consult your service








Enter its password.



provider/telephone company for details.





3 Createi {>}



L If your phone is connected to a PBX, store







the PBX line access number (page 30).





4 Enter the message (page 42). i















Sending a saved message







5 Enter the destination phone number (20











1 {j/OK} i SMSi {>}








digits max.). i {j/OK}










L Using the handset phonebook:



2 To access the public mailbox








{k} i Select the handset



Publici {>}








phonebook entry. i {j/OK} 2



To access a private mailbox











Select the desired mailbox. i {>} i






L Using the caller list:



Enter its password.










3 Send Listi {>}








Press {^} or {V} to select the party.










i {j/OK} 2 times



4 To read a saved message, press {^} or






L Using the redial list:



{V} to select the message. i {j/OK}






Press {R} repeatedly to select the



5 To send the message, press {j/OK}.






phone number. i {j/OK} 2 times



i Sendi {>}








L If you wish to send the message to the



6 Press and hold {C/T} to erase all






other party’s mailbox, enter the other



numbers, then continue from step 5,






party’s mailbox number after the










“Writing and sending a new message”,






destination phone number.










page 27.








Example: The other party’s phone





















number is 123456 and their mailbox













Editing and sending a saved






number is 1.


















Enter 1234561.









6 To save the message, select “ ”. i



1 {j/OK} i SMSi {>}























2 To access the public mailbox







7 To send the message, press {>}.



Publici {>}








L To cancel sending, press {ih}.



To access a private mailbox










Select the desired mailbox. i {>} i














Enter its password.







L This unit supports SMS messages of up to



3 Send Listi {>}








612 characters, however, the maximum







































































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Panasonic KX-TG1837AL, KX-TG1831AL Sending a message, Writing and sending a new, Message, Sending a saved message