Operation - Using the Sprayer (co ntinued)
Step Two: Fill the sprayer.
ALWAYS wear personal protective equipment as directed on the
chemical label when handling pesticides.
Long pants and sleeves, chemical resistant gloves, an d eye protection are
str ongly recomm ended. Addit ional prot e ctive ge ar may be requi r ed
depending on the partic u l ar pes tic ide.
Fill the sprayer using the following steps:
1. Re vie w safe ty
information Re vie w the “O per a t ion – Im po rtan t Safe ty Inform ati on” rel ated to G e n eral
Chemical Safety and Chemical Accident Procedures provided in this manual.
2. Choos e saf e
load ing area
Choose a safe pesticide mixing and loading area.
- Choose an out door, well-ventilated area away f r om unprotected people, anim als,
fo od, and oth er it em s th at m i ght bec ome con tam in ate d.
3. Wear p er so n a l
protecti ve
Wea r person al prote cti ve equi pment as dire cte d on the chemi cal label .
- Note that additional equipment may be specified fo r mixing and loading activities.
4. Turn off
spr ayer an d
veh icle
Turn OFF power to the sprayer before filling.
- The vehicle should also be off, with brake set or wheels blo ck ed to pr ev ent
unintended movement.
5. Remove fill
cap Rem ove the fil l c ap l ocate d on t op of th e s pray er .
6. Ensure tank
flushed Ens ure tank is flushe d of all chemicals from prior uses .
- Chemicals can interact dangerously when mixed, and residue chemicals are also a
health hazard.
Fill cap