Independent Mode
If you want to operate in Independent mode and you plan to use either one or two ± 48 Vdc power sources, configure the option straps as shown in Table
Settings for Independent Mode
S1 Raised
S2 Raised
S3 Raised
S4 Raised
S5 Raised
To set the option straps for Independent mode of operation:
1.Loosen the screws on all five straps (S1 through S5) on the CO Power Unit's backplane so that the screws are not touching the contacts. (Two complete turns will suffice.)
Redundant Mode Ð One Source, One Cable
If you want to operate in Redundant mode and you plan to use a single ± 48 Vdc power source and a single input power cable, configure the option straps as shown in Table
Settings for Redundant Mode
Using a Single ±48 Vdc Power Source and a Single Input Power Cable
S1 Lowered
S2 Lowered
S3 Lowered
S4 Lowered
S5 Lowered
To set the option straps for Redundant mode of
operation using a single ± 48 Vdc power source and a single input power cable:
1.Tighten the screws on all five straps (S1 through S5) on the CO Power Unit's backplane. Make sure
that the screws are securely touching the contacts, but do not screw the straps too tight because doing so can damage the equipment.
Redundant Mode Ð Two Cables
If you want to operate in Redundant mode and you plan to use either a single ± 48 Vdc power source and two input power cables or two separate ± 48 Vdc power sources and two input power cables, configure the option straps as shown in Table
Settings for Redundant Mode with Either a Single Power Source and Two Input Power Cables, or Two Separate
Power Sources and Two Input Power Cables
S1 Lowered
S2 Lowered
S3 Lowered
S4 Raised
S5 Raised
To set the option straps for Redundant mode of operation with either a single power source and two input power cables, or two separate power sources and two input power cables:
1.Tighten the screws on the S1, S2, and S3 straps on the CO Power Unit's backplane. Do not screw the straps too tight because doing so can damage the equipment. Make sure that the screws are securely touching the contacts. Then loosen the screws on the S4 and S5 straps. (Two complete turns will suffice.)
In either Independent or Redundant mode of operation, the S4 and S5 straps on the backplane must be raised (loosened) when two separate ±48 Vdc power sources are used to prevent operational problems and voltage incompatibilities.
May 1998 |