EXIT Exit from loop
Syntax Units Range of nDefault See also
aEXIT - - - LOOP
Description The EXIT command will terminate a loop function at the end of a label.
Properties Immediate or buffered, can be used in labelled block, not saved by SV
Example 4START: ; signifies this is the power on sequence
4PROFILE2(100,100,4000,25) ; define profile 2
4LOOP(GRIP,0) ; repeat the grip/ungrip code forever
4O(XX1) ; set output 3
4T5 ; If we exit the loop then we pulse output
4O(XX0) ; 3 to indicate gripper tension out of tolerance
4END ;
4USE(2) ; Use motion parameters from profile 2
4G ; do the move
4O(1XX) ; trigger the measurement
4H ; change to ungrip/grip
4T1 ; delay for 1 sec
4IF(IN,=,X0X) ; gripper tension out of tolerance
4EXIT ; abort loop
4IF(IN,=,X1X) ; else continue the loop
Note In the example shown above, once the EXIT command is encountered the
cycle in progress will be completed, then the code will be returned to the line
immediately following the LOOP command. That is, output 3 is pulsed for 5
seconds to indicate the gripper tension is out of tolerance.