The following notes give you a better understanding of what is happening within the drive
when a particular drive fault is reported. The explanations assume a ViX drive indexer
firmware revision of V2.0.
Composite fault
This flag indicates that a drive fault has occurred and that the fault is still present. The
original fault may have been registered by the FPGA (power card hardware) or by the drive’s
microprocessor. See the remaining fault status bits for the source(s) of the fault.
+/-15V Supply rail failure
This fault is detected by the drive hardware, which de-energises the power stage at the
same time as informing the microprocessor of the fault.
Indexed motion will be stopped instantly and the drive will then de-energise.
If there is a user program running and the fault label is armed it will be run.
The firmware will not allow an energise whilst this fault is present.
Motor HV under-voltage & over-voltage
The software monitors the HV every 500µS and compares the value to the under- and over-
voltage trip values. If the HV is >98V or <16V, the following actions will be taken:
Indexed motion will be stopped instantly and the drive will then de-energise.
If there is a user program running and the fault label is armed it will be run.
The drive HV supply is measured when the MOTOR command is executed. If no HV is
present (reading of 0 volts) then 80 volts is assumed to be the operating level. The reset
threshold is then calculated as follows:
IF HV > 30 Volts THEN // if supply is normally greater than 30 volts...
reset_threshold = 30 volts // HV must be >30 volts for ON command to work
ELSE IF HV >= 24 volts THEN //
reset_threshold = HV * 0.85 // HV must be greater than (current supply voltage –
// 15%) for ON command to be successful
ELSE IF HV >= 20.4 THEN // supply is below nominal min but within tolerance...
reset_threshold = 20.4 volts // HV must be greater than absolute minimum
// specification (24Vdc -15%) for ON to work
reset_threshold = 16 volts // set to trip out threshold
This means that a drive fed from a > 30 volts HV supply will not be able to be energised via.
the brake supply. Drives fed from a 24 Vdc HV supply need to have the brake supplied from
a separate non-switched feed.