LOADENC LoadEnc settings
Syntax aLOADENCon/off
Description This command allows a user to specify distances in load movement steps
when used with a load mounted encoder connected to X2. It can be used in
combination with position maintenance or any application where you need to
specify distance in load mounted encoder steps, such as feed-to-length.
The parameters used are:
on/off enables/disables load mounted encoder as the position loop feedback
device 1 = ON, 0 = OFF.
When LOADENC is off, distance, velocity and acceleration are in motor
steps. When LOADENC is on, distance, velocity and acceleration are in load
feedback steps set by the system variable EM, Hence:
D1 = 1 load encoder step.
V1 = EM counts per sec.
A1 = EM counts per sec2.
EM is defined as the number of load mounted encoder steps per motor
revolution. The sign of EM dictates the direction of the LOADENC count. If
+ve, then drive expects A leads B when motor rotates Clock Wise (CW) (+ve
demanded motion).
Properties Immediate, may be included in a labelled block, saved by SV
Note The drive must be de-energised before issuing the command, you will
receive *E if issued when the motor is energised.