50Reserved System Labels
Certain pre-defined labels are recognised by the controller as containing code used for
common operations. If event triggered code is enabled (ARM1), the code entered for these
common operations will be automatically run when the event occurs.
System labels have the following names:
START: specifies the power on code, run using the ARM1 command
FAULT: specifies the code that is to be run when a fault occurs
REG: specifies the code to be run when a registration mark is detected within the
registration window
NOREG: specifies the code to be run when a registration mark is not detected within the
registration window
Note: If necessary, these labels can be used for other purposes, but cannot be re-named.
Fault LabelUse the pre-declared label named FAULT to identify a block of code that is executed when a
particular problem (fault) has been detected. The code following the FAULT label needs to
change the state of an output, to indicate a fault has occurred and then go on to possibly
diagnose the problem. Once the problem has been corrected, the FAULT code will need to
detect an external ‘reset’, by monitoring a designated input and then execute an ON
command to clear the FAULT. At the end of the FAULT code a GOTO(START) can be
issued to restart the program. This style of programming will always ensure that once a
fault is detected the drive will stop and will not start again until commanded to do so.
Before the code following a FAULT label can be executed certain conditions must be met,
these are:
•FAULT must be defined
•ARM must be set to enable a FAULT label
This means FAULT label code must be present and the ARMX1 command exists at the
beginning of the code.