GH Go Home
Syntax Units Range of ‘n’Default See also
aGH - - - HOME S K
Description The go home command instructs the controller to search for the home
position as defined by the home input switch. For this command to function
correctly, the home function must define the homing parameters.
Properties Immediate or buffered, can be used in labelled block, not saved by SV
Example 1START: ;START label definition
1HOME1(+,1,-15,100,0) ;define home
1GH ;go to datum position
Note If no motion occurs after GH is issued, the cause can be determined by using
the R(UF) command to report faults. Refer to the section on system
parameters for more information.
Whilst going home, registration (if armed) will be disarmed and on successful
completion of the GH routine the registration armed state will be restored.
System variable HF sets the home final velocity.
GOSUB GO to SUBroutine
Syntax Units Range of ‘n’Default See also
aGOSUB(label) - - - GOTO
Description The GOSUB command continues user program execution from the label
specified and once the END statement is reached (in the called code),
program execution returns to the calling routine.
GOSUBs can be nested to a maximum of 16 times, although the number of
nestings will be decreased if used in combination with a LOOP command.
Properties Immediate or buffered, can be used in labelled block, not saved by SV
1START: ; code run after power on
1PROFILE1(360,360,400000,20) ; define some move profiles
1GOSUB(MOVE1) ; go do move 1 and come back
1GOSUB(MOVE2) ; go do move 2 and come back
1O(1XX) ; set output 1