SV Save configuration
Syntax Units Range of nDefault See also
aSV - - - Z
Description When the SV command is issued, the current controller system variables and
user programs are stored in non volatile memory. Any data saved, will be
restored following the next power-ON cycle.
The number of write/save cycles is 1 million.
Normally, there will be a delay of approximately one-second before a
command following a save configuration is executed. If a program is running
or is being downloaded when the SV command is issued, a delay of 10
seconds is allowed for the program to terminate or to finish downloading.
After 10 seconds, if the program is still running or downloading a user fault is
generated cannot execute command, drive not ready (bit 19).
Wait 1-2 seconds before sending any other command following an SV.
Properties Immediate, cant be used in labelled block
Example 1RFS ;return drive to factory settings
1A150.1 ;acceleration set to 150.1rps2
1SV ;save current settings
1Z ;reset drive
1A ;report current value of acceleration